Monday, October 18, 2010

Why Enforce Drug Testing Policy?

Careful consideration must be done before implementing any drug testing policy in your company. Drug and alcohol policies vary widely. Employers usually have manuals that address drug testing policy, be it be simple or comprehensive, or applicable to pre-employment even up to post-employments stage.

Many employers utilize drug testing to ensure that their workplace is drug-free. The law does not require employers from making their employees to undergo drug testing but they still want to enforce such policy to guarantee that the workplace is safe and conducive to production. It is essential for a company to have a drug testing policy, and it must coincide and be related to various legal issues that may arise.

An example of a simple drug policy can be written like this. It is the Company’s policy not to hire or employ people who take illegal drugs or abuse alcohol. The Company has the right to mandate its employee to undergo drug testing,  as a necessary condition of their employment as the company believes this measure is important so the company can continue to function in a safe and productive environment. Any person who refuses to undergo such procedure or has been tested positive for illegal drugs are suspended until further investigation and is subject to discipline including termination.

In crafting a drug testing policy, employers must ensure that the policy suits your employee’s line of work. Employers should make sure their policies address the issue of the perils that drug and alcohol present. Employers should also ensure that the policy contains a detailed description enumerating what is prohibited. It must list down the situations that are not allowed, the types of drugs that are considered prohibited, and even the appropriate alcohol level when coming to work.

It is important to know that a drug testing policy coincides with a reputable drug testing facility. This would make sure that the results wouldn’t be challenged.

This would make sure that the identity of the one being tested would not be identified by any common Joe.

Finally, make sure that the policy is written and signed for by the people of the company to make sure they would comply with the rules and regulations. This would aid the company to fight against harassment suits arising from the tests.

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