Friday, November 5, 2010

Great Educational Games For Toddlers

Toddlers are very curious beings who love to explore their environment. Their minds are like sponges that can easily absorb any stimuli and that is the reason why they learn fast. Before you know it, toddlers have a large vocabulary that amaze their parents. In terms of motor skills, one year old toddlers are very clumsy but gain balance by age three so they start running around. Upon reaching 36 months, they can speak in short sentences which are comprehensible. It is important then that parents are smart when buying educational games for toddlers.

Typically,toddlers love to interact with their parents and often play with their parents. Nonetheless, it is best to teach toddlers socialization skills since they can be self-centered at times. However, if a toddler is still shy, educational games for toddlers can help him enjoy his playtime. One of the most suited educational games for toddlers is stacking blocks since this builds fine motor skills. According to the University of  Utah website that features pedineurologic exam of toddlers, stacking blocks benefits toddlers since they gradually develop their motor levels. Normally, an 18 month old can stack at least 4 blocks according to the report. Aside from this, beads can be transfeered in a container using hands which is an excellent way of developing fine motor skills. Alphabet Nesting and stacking blocks are made from wood or heavy grade cardboard building blocks. They learn by recognizing the letters, identifying colors and  hand eye coordination. These educational games for toddlers are really a good investment for all the benefits they give to toddlers!

Coloring sheets is another commonly used educational games for toddlers. They can scribble, draw or color sheets which are downloadable from the Internet sites like Kneebouncers or ToodleToons. An 18 month old toddler develops fine motor skills and coordination through holding a pencil. Also, coloring educational games for toddlers teach the child to concentrate on a task. Coloring sheets with connect the dots are best for hand eye coordination.

Educational games for toddlers need not be expensive, a lot of them can also be sourced online for free.

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