Friday, November 5, 2010

Outdoor Educational Games For Children

These days,children are becoming less physically active as they are drawn into other activities. Instead of sports, they keep playing on their PCs, consoles or simply watching cable TV programs. For these reasons, children get fat, sickly and awkward in social situations. They do not appreciate the value of running outdoors and screaming at the top of their lungs. As compared to their parents, they are more sedentary the parts of their body that just move are their hands for clicking the mouse or pressing keyboard. Without a doubt, this is a challenge for modern day parents who must devise ways to make their children get out of the house and have fun. In the past, Hopscotch  and Blind Man’s Buff  endelessly delighted children. Way back into the 80s, children are impatient to go out of their house to play with their next door neighbor Nowadays, all they want is to stay in the room alone with their gadgets.

An alternative approach would be suggesting outdoor educational games that parents can ask their children to try. The website familyeducation provides numerous suggesstion on outdoor educational games that children can enjoy playing. Games like stargazing, Breakfast in the Park, City Guide, Clothesline art show, Sundial, Volcano and a lot more can rouse interest in the natural environment. For example, Stargazing as an outdoor  educational games teaches children to observe stars which greatly complements their science lessons on astronomy. Likewise, games like City Guide can be highly educational as the child needs to know the past of your local community. Later, the child can act a as tour guide to the parent illustrating the past. Indeed, this is one worthwhile outdoor educational games that create bonding between parents and their children.

Another advantage of outdoor educational games is that they would become more socially confident. Aside from that , they would also know how to be a good sport especially when other children cheer, jaunts or tease them. Telling stories to playmates in outdoor educational games develop cultural awareness as one can make comparison and tolerate other cultures too.

Let the kids go outside every day and enjoy outdoor educational games.

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