Friday, November 5, 2010

Meaningful Educational Games For Kids

If there's one thing parents would invest in, it's giving their children the highest quality of education possible. But even if you send your own child to a more expensive school, everyone knows the home is still where he'll get about half of what he learns. So it's essential to teach your children knowledge and values as well. And when it comes to children ,play can be used as a means of learning. Definitely, you can do a few bats or shoot hoops with your son and do other sports. But you give educational games a try with your children. Educational games hit two birds with one stone: children learn stuff and socialize with family at the same time. And the good news is you can make educational games yourself. Some books and websites suggest such DIY games. You can search for game ideas and create educational games setting your own rules.

Math games 

Math is one challenging subject for most kids, so it's a sound idea to create educational games that involve counting and performing basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication as quickly as they can. Flash cards always come in handy. You could also play games with them that involve money, i.e. shopping with Barbie or role playing as a cashier while using a toy cashbox. If your kids get a little older, then challenge their skills in logic by playing 'who gets to finish a hard Sudoku set first' or through problem solving using their toys as the characters.

Reading and Language 

When you make educational games, kids enhance their reading, speaking, and spelling skills. A short vowel drill is good for beginners. Then you can move on with a battle where you give your children two beginning letters and ask them to form as many words possible following those letters. It would also be terrific to have a spelling bee or play a word game similar to scrabble. If there's a lot of time, help build your children's creativity by asking them to write a short play and act it out with them that way you'll encourage their writing and speaking skills.

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