Friday, November 5, 2010

Interactive Educational Games For Kids

It's puzzling how children these days devote time to studying and how they can no longer play with friends and family. Good thing there's a way to combine both so they won't have to spoil their limited free time on tutors and removal exams. Interactive educational games are an excellent way for children to learn and enjoy at the same time. As compared to regular computer games that are often violent and can be abused, interactive educational games help children  learn new things and build their skills in math, phonics & reading, logic, and much more. There are numerous games available online. To be able to make the most of your quality time and your kid's precious time, and help them learn as well, here are some interactive educational games that you can start with:

Mad Math Game - The Mad Math Game is one of the interactive educational games for those who love numbers. It involves testing one's adding, multiplying, and other basic mathematic skills. Mad Math game has several levels of difficulty for different age groups among children. This is way of reviewing for an exam.

Fill-in / Crossword puzzles - Enhance your children's vocabulary through classic word games online. Unlike doing it on the newspaper, kids have real time report of scores. Fill-in puzzles are provided with initial letters that children get to use to form words. This is especially good for younger kids who are still practicing their spelling skills. Crossword puzzles on the other hand are for older kids who needs help on word meanings and synonyms.

Picture Games - Teach your children to have an eye for detail at a young age. Spot-the-difference and picture identification games are not only fun, they benefit kids by making them more focused on details. Picture games are suitable even for younger kids.

Mazes and Memory Games -Good for teaching the right direction at an early age. Help them learn how to storm through confusion and getting lost by playing different kinds of mazes. These also have different varities that may be applied to kids of all ages. Memory games are also a great way to train the kids how to sharpen their memory fast. Memory games are more enjoyable when pictures are used.

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